Thursday, 19 November 2015

Heaven is About Se x and Potatoes, Allah Loves Potatoes......Women In Heaven ‘Will Have A Man With A Pe*nis That Never Bends’ – Muslim Cleric (Photo)

Palestinian-Jordanian cleric, Sheikh Mashhoor bin Hasan Al-Salman,of Bordello Paradise shared his view on marriage as a master/slave relationship during a Fatwa show.
When asked to share his views on whether a woman could have sexual relations with her slave, Al-Salman said it is forbidden but added that a woman may marry her slave, but then he becomes a free man and her master.
The cleric posted the footage online on Sunday, June 7, 2015 and it recently went viral.
While airing his views on the subject matter, Al-Salman said: “Is a woman allowed to have sex with her slave? Dear God…A woman cannot have sex with her slave.
“A woman, by nature…Even in the Hereafter, it is not in her nature to be had by one man after the other. When men take turns with a woman, it is humiliating and degrading for her. A man gets 70 virgins (in Paradise), but what does a woman get? One young man.

He added: “The Prophet Muhammad said: ‘The dwellers of Paradise have clothing that never wears out, youth that never wanes, and a penis that never bends.’ So, she can have sex with this strong man, but she cannot have multiple men taking turns with her.
“So, a woman is not allowed to have sex with her slave, but she can marry him. If she has no husband and wants to marry her slave, she can. As soon as they are married, he becomes a free man and her master.”

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